A Doctrine for 21st Century Workers, v1

Jan 26, 2021


They …

  • create an independent business, or a series thereof, not reliant on credentials, degrees, connections, location, or significant capital
  • design personalized business models that suit skills, interests, lifestyles, values, and goals, or lack thereof
  • meld vocation, job, and career into one
  • cultivate empathy for their audience
  • monetize their ability to solve their audience’s problems
  • learn by doing
  • do things in collaboration with one another
  • help each other learn, teach, and monetize
  • find interconnections between what they do and the world beyond
  • frequently and consistently write, speak, and think in public

(how many are true for you on a scale of 1 to 10 ... ??)




amateur tweets, professional works –pressfield